A key recommendation followed by Chello is to separate the directory hierarchy containing your source code from the directory hierarchy containing your deployable application. Maintaining this separation has the following advantages:
The contents of the source directories can be more easily administered, moved, and backed up if the "executable" version of the application is not intermixed.
Source code control is easier to manage on directories that contain only source files.
The files that make up an installable distribution of your application are much easier to select when the deployment hierarchy is separate
The ANT tool is used to compile all your Java code and to copy the necessary files to the Tomcat webapps directory
Each time you modify or add a file in your source hierarchy, your need to launch ANT in order to update the deployment hierarchy
For this, you just need to type:
[unix] ./build.sh
[win32] build
You can then test your application by accessing http://localhost:8080/chello/ (for a standard Tomcat local installation). Of course, your Tomcat must be running
To clean up all the compiled files
./build.sh clean